This section of the documentation covers all of the public interfaces of python-multipart.

Helper Functions

multipart.multipart.parse_form(headers, input_stream, on_field, on_file, chunk_size=1048576, **kwargs)

This function is useful if you just want to parse a request body, without too much work. Pass it a dictionary-like object of the request’s headers, and a file-like object for the input stream, along with two callbacks that will get called whenever a field or file is parsed.

  • headers – A dictionary-like object of HTTP headers. The only required header is Content-Type.
  • input_stream – A file-like object that represents the request body. The read() method must return bytestrings.
  • on_field – Callback to call with each parsed field.
  • on_file – Callback to call with each parsed file.
  • chunk_size – The maximum size to read from the input stream and write to the parser at one time. Defaults to 1 MiB.
multipart.multipart.create_form_parser(headers, on_field, on_file, trust_x_headers=False, config={})

This function is a helper function to aid in creating a FormParser instances. Given a dictionary-like headers object, it will determine the correct information needed, instantiate a FormParser with the appropriate values and given callbacks, and then return the corresponding parser.

  • headers – A dictionary-like object of HTTP headers. The only required header is Content-Type.
  • on_field – Callback to call with each parsed field.
  • on_file – Callback to call with each parsed file.
  • trust_x_headers – Whether or not to trust information received from certain X-Headers - for example, the file name from X-File-Name.
  • config – Configuration variables to pass to the FormParser.

Main Class

class multipart.multipart.FormParser(content_type, on_field, on_file, on_end=None, boundary=None, file_name=None, FileClass=<class 'multipart.multipart.File'>, FieldClass=<class 'multipart.multipart.Field'>, config={})

This class is the all-in-one form parser. Given all the information necessary to parse a form, it will instantiate the correct parser, create the proper Field and File classes to store the data that is parsed, and call the two given callbacks with each field and file as they become available.

  • content_type – The Content-Type of the incoming request. This is used to select the appropriate parser.
  • on_field – The callback to call when a field has been parsed and is ready for usage. See above for parameters.
  • on_file – The callback to call when a file has been parsed and is ready for usage. See above for parameters.
  • on_end – An optional callback to call when all fields and files in a request has been parsed. Can be None.
  • boundary – If the request is a multipart/form-data request, this should be the boundary of the request, as given in the Content-Type header, as a bytestring.
  • file_name – If the request is of type application/octet-stream, then the body of the request will not contain any information about the uploaded file. In such cases, you can provide the file name of the uploaded file manually.
  • FileClass

    The class to use for uploaded files. Defaults to File, but you can provide your own class if you wish to customize behaviour. The class will be instantiated as FileClass(file_name, field_name), and it must provide the folllowing functions:

  • FieldClass

    The class to use for uploaded fields. Defaults to Field, but you can provide your own class if you wish to customize behaviour. The class will be instantiated as FieldClass(field_name), and it must provide the folllowing functions:

  • config – Configuration to use for this FormParser. The default values are taken from the DEFAULT_CONFIG value, and then any keys present in this dictionary will overwrite the default values.

This is the default configuration for our form parser. Note: all file sizes should be in bytes.


Close the parser.


Finalize the parser.


Write some data. The parser will forward this to the appropriate underlying parser.

Parameters:data – a bytestring


class multipart.multipart.BaseParser

This class is the base class for all parsers. It contains the logic for calling and adding callbacks.

A callback can be one of two different forms. “Notification callbacks” are callbacks that are called when something happens - for example, when a new part of a multipart message is encountered by the parser. “Data callbacks” are called when we get some sort of data - for example, part of the body of a multipart chunk. Notification callbacks are called with no parameters, whereas data callbacks are called with three, as follows:

data_callback(data, start, end)

The “data” parameter is a bytestring (i.e. “foo” on Python 2, or b”foo” on Python 3). “start” and “end” are integer indexes into the “data” string that represent the data of interest. Thus, in a data callback, the slice data[start:end] represents the data that the callback is “interested in”. The callback is not passed a copy of the data, since copying severely hurts performance.

callback(name, data=None, start=None, end=None)

This function calls a provided callback with some data. If the callback is not set, will do nothing.

  • name – The name of the callback to call (as a string).
  • data – Data to pass to the callback. If None, then it is assumed that the callback is a notification callback, and no parameters are given.
  • end – An integer that is passed to the data callback.
  • start – An integer that is passed to the data callback.
set_callback(name, new_func)

Update the function for a callback. Removes from the callbacks dict if new_func is None.

  • name – The name of the callback to call (as a string).
  • new_func – The new function for the callback. If None, then the callback will be removed (with no error if it does not exist).
class multipart.multipart.OctetStreamParser(callbacks={}, max_size=inf)

This parser parses an octet-stream request body and calls callbacks when incoming data is received. Callbacks are as follows:

Callback Name Parameters Description
on_start None Called when the first data is parsed.
on_data data, start, end Called for each data chunk that is parsed.
on_end None Called when the parser is finished parsing all data.
  • callbacks – A dictionary of callbacks. See the documentation for BaseParser.
  • max_size – The maximum size of body to parse. Defaults to infinity - i.e. unbounded.

Finalize this parser, which signals to that we are finished parsing, and sends the on_end callback.


Write some data to the parser, which will perform size verification, and then pass the data to the underlying callback.

Parameters:data – a bytestring
class multipart.multipart.QuerystringParser(callbacks={}, strict_parsing=False, max_size=inf)

This is a streaming querystring parser. It will consume data, and call the callbacks given when it has data.

Callback Name Parameters Description
on_field_start None Called when a new field is encountered.
on_field_name data, start, end Called when a portion of a field’s name is encountered.
on_field_data data, start, end Called when a portion of a field’s data is encountered.
on_field_end None Called when the end of a field is encountered.
on_end None Called when the parser is finished parsing all data.
  • callbacks – A dictionary of callbacks. See the documentation for BaseParser.
  • strict_parsing – Whether or not to parse the body strictly. Defaults to False. If this is set to True, then the behavior of the parser changes as the following: if a field has a value with an equal sign (e.g. “foo=bar”, or “foo=”), it is always included. If a field has no equals sign (e.g. ”...&name&...”), it will be treated as an error if ‘strict_parsing’ is True, otherwise included. If an error is encountered, then a multipart.exceptions.QuerystringParseError will be raised.
  • max_size – The maximum size of body to parse. Defaults to infinity - i.e. unbounded.

Finalize this parser, which signals to that we are finished parsing, if we’re still in the middle of a field, an on_field_end callback, and then the on_end callback.


Write some data to the parser, which will perform size verification, parse into either a field name or value, and then pass the corresponding data to the underlying callback. If an error is encountered while parsing, a QuerystringParseError will be raised. The “offset” attribute of the raised exception will be set to the offset in the input data chunk (NOT the overall stream) that caused the error.

Parameters:data – a bytestring
class multipart.multipart.MultipartParser(boundary, callbacks={}, max_size=inf)

This class is a streaming multipart/form-data parser.

Callback Name Parameters Description
on_part_begin None Called when a new part of the multipart message is encountered.
on_part_data data, start, end Called when a portion of a part’s data is encountered.
on_part_end None Called when the end of a part is reached.
on_header_begin None Called when we’ve found a new header in a part of a multipart message
on_header_field data, start, end Called each time an additional portion of a header is read (i.e. the part of the header that is before the colon; the “Foo” in “Foo: Bar”).
on_header_value data, start, end Called when we get data for a header.
on_header_end None Called when the current header is finished - i.e. we’ve reached the newline at the end of the header.
on_headers_finished None Called when all headers are finished, and before the part data starts.
on_end None Called when the parser is finished parsing all data.
  • boundary – The multipart boundary. This is required, and must match what is given in the HTTP request - usually in the Content-Type header.
  • callbacks – A dictionary of callbacks. See the documentation for BaseParser.
  • max_size – The maximum size of body to parse. Defaults to infinity - i.e. unbounded.

Finalize this parser, which signals to that we are finished parsing.

Note: It does not currently, but in the future, it will verify that we are in the final state of the parser (i.e. the end of the multipart message is well-formed), and, if not, throw an error.


Write some data to the parser, which will perform size verification, and then parse the data into the appropriate location (e.g. header, data, etc.), and pass this on to the underlying callback. If an error is encountered, a MultipartParseError will be raised. The “offset” attribute on the raised exception will be set to the offset of the byte in the input chunk that caused the error.

Parameters:data – a bytestring

Support Classes

class multipart.multipart.Field(name)

A Field object represents a (parsed) form field. It represents a single field with a corresponding name and value.

The name that a Field will be instantiated with is the same name that would be found in the following HTML:

<input name="name_goes_here" type="text"/>

This class defines two methods, on_data() and on_end(), that will be called when data is written to the Field, and when the Field is finalized, respectively.

Parameters:name – the name of the form field

Close the Field object. This will free any underlying cache.


This property returns the name of the field.


Finalize the form field.

classmethod from_value(klass, name, value)

Create an instance of a Field, and set the corresponding value - either None or an actual value. This method will also finalize the Field itself.

  • name – the name of the form field
  • value – the value of the form field - either a bytestring or None

This method is a callback that will be called whenever data is written to the Field.

Parameters:data – a bytestring

This method is called whenever the Field is finalized.


Some fields in a querystring can possibly have a value of None - for example, the string “foo&bar=&baz=asdf” will have a field with the name “foo” and value None, one with name “bar” and value “”, and one with name “baz” and value “asdf”. Since the write() interface doesn’t support writing None, this function will set the field value to None.


This property returns the value of the form field.


Write some data into the form field.

Parameters:data – a bytestring
class multipart.multipart.File(file_name, field_name=None, config={})

This class represents an uploaded file. It handles writing file data to either an in-memory file or a temporary file on-disk, if the optional threshold is passed.

There are some options that can be passed to the File to change behavior of the class. Valid options are as follows:

Name Type Default Description
UPLOAD_DIR str None The directory to store uploaded files in. If this is None, a temporary file will be created in the system’s standard location.
UPLOAD_KEEP_FILENAME bool False Whether or not to keep the filename of the uploaded file. If True, then the filename will be converted to a safe representation (e.g. by removing any invalid path segments), and then saved with the same name). Otherwise, a temporary name will be used.
UPLOAD_KEEP_EXTENSIONS bool False Whether or not to keep the uploaded file’s extension. If False, the file will be saved with the default temporary extension (usually ”.tmp”). Otherwise, the file’s extension will be maintained. Note that this will properly combine with the UPLOAD_KEEP_FILENAME setting.
MAX_MEMORY_FILE_SIZE int 1 MiB The maximum number of bytes of a File to keep in memory. By default, the contents of a File are kept into memory until a certain limit is reached, after which the contents of the File are written to a temporary file. This behavior can be disabled by setting this value to an appropriately large value (or, for example, infinity, such as float(‘inf’).
  • file_name – The name of the file that this File represents
  • field_name – The field name that uploaded this file. Note that this can be None, if, for example, the file was uploaded with Content-Type application/octet-stream
  • config – The configuration for this File. See above for valid configuration keys and their corresponding values.

The file name that this file is saved as. Will be None if it’s not currently saved on disk.


Close the File object. This will actually close the underlying file object (whether it’s a io.BytesIO or an actual file object).


The form field associated with this file. May be None if there isn’t one, for example when we have an application/octet-stream upload.


The file name given in the upload request.


The file object that we’re currently writing to. Note that this will either be an instance of a io.BytesIO, or a regular file object.


Finalize the form file. This will not close the underlying file, but simply signal that we are finished writing to the File.


If the file is already on-disk, do nothing. Otherwise, copy from the in-memory buffer to a disk file, and then reassign our internal file object to this new disk file.

Note that if you attempt to flush a file that is already on-disk, a warning will be logged to this module’s logger.


A boolean representing whether or not this file object is currently stored in-memory or on-disk.


This method is a callback that will be called whenever data is written to the File.

Parameters:data – a bytestring

This method is called whenever the Field is finalized.


The total size of this file, counted as the number of bytes that currently have been written to the file.


Write some data to the File.

Parameters:data – a bytestring


class multipart.decoders.Base64Decoder(underlying)

This object provides an interface to decode a stream of Base64 data. It is instantiated with an “underlying object”, and whenever a write() operation is performed, it will decode the incoming data as Base64, and call write() on the underlying object. This is primarily used for decoding form data encoded as Base64, but can be used for other purposes:

from multipart.decoders import Base64Decoder
fd = open("notb64.txt", "wb")
decoder = Base64Decoder(fd)
    decoder.write("Zm9vYmFy")       # "foobar" in Base64

# The contents of "notb64.txt" should be "foobar".

This object will also pass all finalize() and close() calls to the underlying object, if the underlying object supports them.

Note that this class maintains a cache of base64 chunks, so that a write of arbitrary size can be performed. You must call finalize() on this object after all writes are completed to ensure that all data is flushed to the underlying object.

Parameters:underlying – the underlying object to pass writes to

Close this decoder. If the underlying object has a close() method, this function will call it.


Finalize this object. This should be called when no more data should be written to the stream. This function can raise a multipart.exceptions.DecodeError if there is some remaining data in the cache.

If the underlying object has a finalize() method, this function will call it.


Takes any input data provided, decodes it as base64, and passes it on to the underlying object. If the data provided is invalid base64 data, then this method will raise a multipart.exceptions.DecodeError

Parameters:data – base64 data to decode
class multipart.decoders.QuotedPrintableDecoder(underlying)

This object provides an interface to decode a stream of quoted-printable data. It is instantiated with an “underlying object”, in the same manner as the multipart.decoders.Base64Decoder class. This class behaves in exactly the same way, including maintaining a cache of quoted-printable chunks.

Parameters:underlying – the underlying object to pass writes to

Close this decoder. If the underlying object has a close() method, this function will call it.


Finalize this object. This should be called when no more data should be written to the stream. This function will not raise any exceptions, but it may write more data to the underlying object if there is data remaining in the cache.

If the underlying object has a finalize() method, this function will call it.


Takes any input data provided, decodes it as quoted-printable, and passes it on to the underlying object.

Parameters:data – quoted-printable data to decode


The following are all custom exceptions that python-multipart will raise, for various cases. Each method that will raise an exception will document it in this documentation.

exception multipart.exceptions.DecodeError

This exception is raised when there is a decoding error - for example with the Base64Decoder or QuotedPrintableDecoder.

exception multipart.exceptions.FileError

Exception class for problems with the File class.

exception multipart.exceptions.FormParserError

Base error class for our form parser.

exception multipart.exceptions.MultipartParseError

This is a specific error that is raised when the MultipartParser detects an error while parsing.

exception multipart.exceptions.ParseError

This exception (or a subclass) is raised when there is an error while parsing something.

offset = -1

This is the offset in the input data chunk (NOT the overall stream) in which the parse error occured. It will be -1 if not specified.

exception multipart.exceptions.QuerystringParseError

This is a specific error that is raised when the QuerystringParser detects an error while parsing.

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